Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Very Merry Christmas for ALL

Christmas was wonderful this year just as it is every year. I think Jeff and had the most fun watching the kids open their gifts and see what Santa brought. The big hit items this year were the 4-wheelers, Nintendo DS, Razorback football uniforms (still haven't taken those off) and big rig trucks!! The gifts were many and the food was great!! We are so blessed with a wonderful family! Can't wait for the new year and all the blessings and adventures we have ahead of us! NOW......I think it's time to start planning our SUMMER VACATION!!! :)

Jackson has said more than once how much he likes all of his gifts. We talk about how important it is to be thankful for what we receive and I believe he is really catching on! He told everyone "Merry Christmas," at the end of each holiday party and sounded so grown up!

The beautiful tree at Grandma and Grandpa'sWoo Pig Sooie

Grandma, Daddy and Carolee

It's a new game for his new DS

Asher trying to break into the gifts piece by piece.

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