Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 2010

This school year is quickly coming to an end. Jackson is finishing up the 3 year old class at FUMC Bryant and Asher is finishing up the 2 year old class at FUMC Benton. Next year they will both get to attend FUMC Bryant three days each week and be on the same schedule! YIPPEE!

We are planning for a very busy summer starting with a camping trip to DeGray over Memorial day weekend with some of our friends. Jackson's 4th birthday party will be held at the Bryant Fire Department! We bought him a blow up water slide to enjoy all summer. All his buddies and his little brother are enjoying it as well. After the birthday party we will gear up for our Galactic Blast Vacation Bible School and enjoy a fun week of learning about Jesus! Immediately after VBS we will leave for a trip to the Beach. We are returning to the Lighthouse Condominiums this year for another week with some of our best friends and some fun in the sun! (hoping the oil doesn't make it our way). In July we are planning another camping trip with about 12 other couples from our Church.

In between all the activities we plan to spend much of our free time by the pool at Nena and Papa's house!!

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