Friday, August 28, 2009


Last night was Jackson's first sleep-over. He and his buddy Hank P. played and played. They finally went to bed around 9pm and giggled until about 9:30 when they finally gave in to exhaustion. Today we have been to the indoor playground at Rock Creek Church. We had the whole place to ourselves for about an hour. The boys figured out how to climb to the top of the tubes and go down the curvy slide. They are now napping :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Garvan Woodland Gardens Summer 2009

With Summer quickly coming to an end and preschool about to begin, we have packed this week with many fun activities for the boys. We have been to the Wonder Place, Museum of Discover and Garvan Woodland Gardens. We have been swimming, to a puppet show at the library and to the park. The boys have been having almost as much fun as we have. We are looking forward to a Fall to remember with just as many fun filled activities. The Koi pond at Garvan Gardens was a big hit with the boys. The fish would get so excited about the food we thought they might come up onto the bank for the fish food. Jackson loved the cave...he thought he would scare the bear out of the cave. Asher was amazed by the waterfalls and the fish.